User Guide
Need help? Contact our Support Team.
Help icon – Click to access Support and User Guide
Settings – Click to open settings tab
Show Point – Enter Long. Lat. coordinates to see map location
Address Search – Enter address to see map location
Reports – Access and create Reports
Here we will run through each of the Settings menu tabs.
1. Objects – A list of all the devices on your account. You can add, edit, duplicate a device and clear device history.
2. Events – Add, edit or delete events. (See section on EVENTS)
3. Templates – Allows you to add a custom template for your event alerts.
4. SMS – The platform does not support SMS. Instead it uses ‘Push’ notifications which are sent directly to your mobile app in the same way as SMS but unlike SMS, there is no charge for ‘Push’ notifications.
5. User Interface – Configure general user account settings
6. My account – Your contact and user details.
1. To add an event, goto the events tab and click the add button in the bottom left hand corner.
Active – Tick box to activate or deactivate event notification
Name -Enter an event name
Type – Select the type of event. (Not all of the listed events are supported on some devices)
Objects – Select which devices this event will be applicable for.
Depending on routes – Ignore
Routes – Ignore
Depending on zones – Ignore
Zones – Add applicable zone
Time period (min) event will be triggered if chosen event type lasts for set period of time (Leave blank for instant event recording)
Speed limit (mph) – sets speed limit, works with overspeed and underspeed events (Leave blank if alert is not dependant on speed limit)
Distance (m) event will be triggered after distance entered is reached (Leave blank if event is to be recorded instantly)
2. Set the times the event rule will be active. If ytou want the event rule to be active all the time then just leave the default settings as they are.
3. Notification – Enter the options for how you wish to receive the notifications. Ensure the tick box ‘Push notification’ is ticked if you want to receive alerts to your mobile app and add any email recipients if required.
4. Webhook – ignore
5. Object control – ignore
You can import a template of event notifications from the links at the bottom of this page then import them into your account.
The device menu tabs can be seen above the device list.
1. Objects – A list of your GPS tracking devices
2. Events – A list of events triggered by your device.
3. Places – A list of markers you have added
4. History – View details of trips, events and playback any trip with every update of the jorney.
To access the Reports module, click on the Reports icon in the main menu
Any reports you have already created will appear in the pop up window. This includes scheduled reports.
1. Create a report by clicking on the icon in the bottom left hane corner
2. Enter the required information on the report creation tab.
3. Click on the GENERATE button to view the report straight away or click SAVE to save the settings.
Your GPS tracker will automtically display the relevant device information in the data panel but for enhanced information you can easily add our pre-configured sensor template which will add such information as
- GPS signal level
- GSM signal level
- Mobile network
- Ignition status
- External Battery level
- Backup battery level
To upload the sensor template:
1. Download the correct sensor template from the links at the bottom of this page.
2. Open the device settings tab and select ‘Sensors‘
3. Click the ‘Action’ icon
4. Select ‘import’
5. Browse to the sensor template you previously downloaded and select it for import. Confirm you wish to import the sensors by clicking ‘Yes’
7. You will see the imported sensor list. Now click ‘Save’ and your done!
You can send commands to your rechargeable GPS tracker when logged into your account. The commands are used to set the tracking mode. Download ready made templates from the links at the bottom of this page then import them to your account. If you prefer, our support team would be happy to add them for you, just click on the ‘Request Support’ button to contact us.
To send commands from the mobile app …..
1. Click on the ‘Menu’ icon then select ‘Object Control’
2. Select the object to receive the comand and enter the command in the box labelled ‘Command’ then click the send button. You can find a list of commands in the device user guide.
To send commands from the web version of the software …..
1. Click on Object Control icon in the main menu
2. A pop up box will appear as shown in the image below. Ensure the tab ‘GPRS’ is selected. Select the object to receive the command then enter the command in the box labelled ‘Command’ then press the send button. A list of previous commands are also displayed.
We have created command templates which can be imported to your account so you don’t have to remember and enter manual commands. Simply download the ‘Commands’ file for your specific device in the section below then import it into your account by clicking on the ‘Templates’ tab then click on the cog icon in the bottom left hane corner of the pop up box shown below. The image below shows a set of template commands which have been imported.
Here are the download links for device sensors, command templates and event notifications. See the instructions above to learn how to import these ready made templates into your account.
FMT100 GPS Tracker
OBD GPS Tracker
Rechargable GPS Tracker
2 wire GPS Tracker
GPSX is a trading style of Fleet Tracking Consultancy Ltd - Regus Manchester Business Park, 3000 Aviator Way, Manchester M22 5TG